Microscopy Database
Micrograph Gallery
Insects, Plants, Medical, Microorganisms, Miscellaneous, ..
ASCB Image & Video Library
The Image & Video Library of The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is a continually growing collection of peer-reviewed cell images, videos, and digitized texts that illustrate the structure, function and biology of the cell, the fundamental unit of life.
DNA, DNA-Protein Complexes and Virus
(compiled by Ross Inman, University of Wisconsin)
Electron Micrographs of Animal Viruses
(Veterinary Sciences Division at The Queen's University of Belfast)
Electron Micrographs of Plant Viruses
(Copyright - 1994 Rothamsted Experimental Station)
Electron Microscopy Gallery
- Insects, Plants, Medical, Microorganisms, Miscellane (Dennis Kunkel, Biological Electron Microscope Facility, Pacific Biomedical Research Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii)
Gallery at the EM Facility at USU
Contains many images by both researchers and students. These images are available for noncommercial use.
STM Images
(IBM Scanning Tunneling Microscope Image Gallery)
(Scientific Images and Translations)
Miami, (Florida, USA)
Demonstration of videoEM, SEM and ESEM to video. VideoEM services available as quickly as SAME DAY delivery.
Viral Electron Micrographs & Macromolecular Images
Links of D. Sander.
Virus World
Jean-Yves Sgro, Institute for Molecular Virology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Page updated on: October 17, 2007, 15:20 Page compiled by: Petr Schauer, Petr@ISIBrno.Cz